1 | Despite being an only child and growing up with just my mum, we are the complete polar opposite of each other, in literally every way, shape and form from personality, humour to taste, morals, beliefs, everything! if it wasn't for all the birth & baby photographs I'd be certain I am adopted.
2 | My Granddad took me in my pram to work one day along the embankment and walked past Paul McCartney who commented on what a cute baby I was. Now much older and wiser I think the man's a complete moron but still, it's pretty cool.
3 | I'm terrified of speaking on the phone, I don't know why but I just really really hate it ! I've been with my boyfriend three years and probably called him about 5 times and I never answer my phone unless I have to. I'm even more terrified of voicemails, if someones left me a voicemail it will take me weeks to pluck up the courage to listen to it, usually by then my inbox has built up to so many unheard messages that they eventually delete themselves thank god !..
4 | I've never eaten a Burger, I hate everything about them, the look, the smell, the fact the bun has seeds on it! everything disgusts me. When I was younger there was nothing more distressing for me than a McDonalds party...
5 | I drink so much Pepsi Max that I probably contribute to about 5% of the entire companies sales...I have about 2 bottles or more every single day and have done so for about the past three years.
6 | Along with pepsi max, smoking, eating a lot of sweets and acidic foods I somehow still have perfect teeth, although I reckon I won't have any enamel left for much longer if I carry on touch wood as this is probably the only thing I have going for me....
7 | I hate animals and people who fuss over their pets. Like I just can not begin to understand why anyone would to spend so much time, love and money on a pet! they smell, they have to be constantly taken care of, fed, walked, they're noisy and eventually going to die on you which people then get realllyyyy upset over, like in my head if a cat dies, then get a new one they all do the same thing how can you get so physically attached to something so pointless. I know everyones fucking cat crazy so hate me if you will but I don't know maybe I am actually heartless...
8 | My dad used to be Tom Cruise's cigar merchant (and the Spice Girls).....
9 | I can put both my feet behind my head, I reckon I'd be the shit at Yoga...
10 | I hate sleep, I think it's a waste of time, there are so many better things to do in the night and I will happily survive a full day on the bare minimum needed. If I moan I'm tired it's usually because I've just had a hectic day, I don't think I am ever genuinely tired. I'm also a total morning person, I'm always up around 7 or 8 and waking up anything later then 10 completely freaks me out.
11 | Growing up I've gone from being a completely heartless/emotionless bitch to a total hopeless romantic. This is something I never thought I would be capable of! I was always too proud to ever show any feelings towards anyone, I thought if you never give a fuck about them then you could never get hurt. As for now, I guess Love is everything it's cracked up to be...
12 | I've had depression for about 6 years, some say it's not genetic but it runs in my family like the plague. It's something that I'm continually learning to deal with, I've given up seeking help because I found you can't force happiness on someone who doesn't think they deserve it, it's become something that's difficult to live with but impossible to live without. The only thing I struggle to cope with is when people around me just dismiss it, those who just can't understand why you're like the way you are and demand an explanation, Nothing makes you more conscious of how mad you are then when someone asks what's wrong with you and you can't give an answer, because there's never a reason, I just think wanting to die has always been in me.
13 | My hands are always freezing cold, even in the hottest of temperature's they're somehow still cold, I can't even imagine what normal temperature hands would feel like.
14 | After a night out when I was 15 I woke up with a joker card in my purse, I have no idea if I put it there, if someone else did or if it was given to me? I definitely do not remember there being anyone with a pack of cards at any point in the night either so where it came from has always been a complete mystery to me but I kept it in my purse for years with no idea where it came from, In five years of having handbags and purses stolen, it's somehow never left me, it's now tacked to my bedroom and is my most charmed possession.
15 | I faceless blog for a reason, Last summer I ended up with two chemical burns the size of two pound coins on my face, 7 months later, the scars are still pretty prominent and I have a feeling they're going to be there for life, I have tried EVERY healing product under the sun, including a perscription only £90 pigmentation cream but nothing seems to be fading them. If I'm honest they've ruined my life, I do not care how shallow it comes across but the fact that I will never, ever have a day where I feel comfortable in my own skin is horrible, they're on my fucking face for everyone to see, they've made me more paranoid than ever, I have zero confidence, I cry every time I get ready for a night out because I know no matter how much effort I put in I will always look hideous, I don't even know why James is still with me but I just know someone better will eventually come along seeing as 99.98% of girls don't have horrendous facial marks, like I can't even let him see me when I first wake up because I don't want him to look at me and see the monster he's going out with. I'm also on Roacctutane which is a hell of a drug, I literally don't know what to do with myself anymore, please kids, never take good skin for granted .
16 | My great Aunt is my ultimate idol in life. When she first moved to Canada and purchased her first flat, she also bought every apartment on the floor so that she cold choose her neighbours. When she died she had already organised her own funeral from start to finish and bought the grave spaces around her own so that so she will never be buried next to any strangers. I only aspire to be as great as she was.
17 | As well as being a Leo, I am also an essex girl, Swedish, the daughter of the worlds second worst tempered father, who himself is the son of the first. Therfore, it is woven into every part of me to be so naturally aggressive and ill tempered.
18 | I remember reading the very first thing James wrote about me after we first met, well at least I think it was about me but that night is when I knew I was with the wrong person and now three years later it's still the best decision I ever made..
19 | Despite my family being pretty poor, I am incredibly grateful for how well travelled I am, considering I'm only 20 I've been to some amazing places including all around Europe, South America across, North America, Canada, the Caribbean, Africa, India, Thailand, the Philippines, I've only never really been to Russia, China, Japan or Australia, but when I'm done with my degree before I settle in a job I hope to go travelling for a while, especially around India and Thailand.
20 | I used to scream in my sleep, thank god that stopped.